The Dragonfly Project

Is it really possible to build a home-based business without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business?

The answer is a resounding YES! And The Dragonfly Project is going to show you exactly how.

Friday, January 12, 2007


TrafficWave is the heartbeat of this project, and what I am going to do today is describe for you the HOW and WHY it works. If you take a close look at what I am going to tell you, the benefits of using this tool to build your business will be readily apparent.

TrafficWave is a front-end service that is the very essence of Forward Marketing we discussed earlier. It provides INPUT for your business and then automates the PROCESS of following up with your prospects to educate them and turn them into customers.

There are three key components, or tools, included in the TrafficWave service: 1) Unlimited Autoresponders, 2) Unlimited Ad Tracking capability, and 3) FFA page hosting.

Automated lead generation and follow up is the key to growing your business or building a Network Marketing organization without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business. Using TrafficWave and the tools that I will discuss in future posts, you will generate a recurring monthly income from what I call an Internet "Vending Machine."

For more information input your first name and email address into the blue form at the upper right of this blog. You will then receive a free newsletter from me where you will discover how to build your business with free targeted traffic and leads.

Or you can simply send an email to:

Do it today! The report is FREE and you are under no obligation to purchase anything. Your information will never be sold to any third party or used for any other purpose.

Best Regards,
Scott "The Dragonfly" Douglas

Ride the Wave!