The Dragonfly Project

Is it really possible to build a home-based business without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business?

The answer is a resounding YES! And The Dragonfly Project is going to show you exactly how.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Perpetual Traffic and Leads

How to Use Traffic Exchanges to Generate Perpetual Traffic and Leads to Your Business

Everyone knows that in order to be successful in any Network Marketing or Affiliate program you need traffic and leads... LOT'S of them. With enough leads you can make any business work!

So like thousands of new people every day, you are looking to the internet as a way to build your business without cold calling, bugging family and friends, or buying leads.

Sounds easy, right? Just get a replicated business website and send prospects to your page...

Yeah, right!

How's that working for you?

If you are like 95% of the people trying to generate an income online, you are faced with a whole new set of difficulties generating leads and sales. You have probably already learned that getting traffic to your website becomes the #1 problem faced by anyone in online marketing.

With all of the competition and hype on the internet, how can you survive long enough to get your own business off the ground?

With all of the static and interference, how can you capture the attention of traffic on the internet?

Once you have their attention, how do you follow up with them to convert them into paying customers?

The internet is flooded with tools for generating traffic. Some of them include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), blogging, or even simply purchasing traffic.

Any of these methods can and do work given the right amount of time and money to get started.


I will show you a much EASIER way to generate leads to your business.

The Dragonfly Project uses a proven system that is easy for anyone to copy. The system generates traffic, leads and a subscriber list that automatically follows up with prospects to build any business.

This system involves:

* No SEO
* No PPC
* No purchased traffic
* No purchased leads
* No blogging
* No email spamming
* No posting links all over the internet

In fact, you don't even need your own website!

Chances are very high that you are reading this right now as a result of this method.

Traffic Exchanges's NOT what you think.

Like any other source of traffic, Traffic Exchanges can be very time consuming and the results are often not enough to justify the effort. Unless...

You know HOW to use them!

This is how a traffic exchange typically works. You click your mouse in an exchange to view other people's business offer so that, in return, they will view yours when they click their mouse.

The input is a click of the mouse.
The process is automated by the Traffic Exchange.
The output is traffic. Other people looking at your business offer.

But what happens when you stop clicking?

Since the input is YOU clicking...when you stop...the traffic stops...the output stops.

Not much fun there, huh? What about all those people lying around on the beach while their internet business keeps spinning out loads of cash?

Well, they may make it look easy. But trust me on this... if they are honestly lying out on the beach... they earned it through hard work and one other thing...


Is there a way to leverage your free traffic into perpetual traffic and leads for you business?


One of the most overlooked benefits of a traffic exchange is the EXTRA traffic earned by referring other marketers to that exchange. Basically, by "selling" the traffic exchange service you are getting "paid" in free traffic.

What happens when you reinvest your free traffic back into the traffic multiplier?

Ah... even MORE free traffic. In a very short time a compounding effect takes over. The traffic starts to grow on it's own... PERPETUALLY!

This free residual traffic becomes residual income when you use that traffic to generate leads for your business.

When you do it have GROWING residual traffic that becomes GROWING residual income!

To get the full details on how I am using free traffic to generate leads for my business, simply enter your name and email into the blue form at the top right of this blog.

You will discover how to generate perpetual traffic, capture their attention, and turn them into leads for your business... on autopilot!

To Your Success,
"The Dragonfly"

PS. If you want to generate perpetual traffic, this is my TOP recommendation...