The Dragonfly Project

Is it really possible to build a home-based business without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business?

The answer is a resounding YES! And The Dragonfly Project is going to show you exactly how.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

BootScootin Witch What?

Monday, December 01, 2008

Conjure Up a Traffic Brew

Have you heard about the new Traffic Exchange from Guido Nussbaum that launched last week?

Everyone is talking about it. TrafficWitch is expected to become one of the largest manual traffic exchanges filled with tens (hundreds) of thousands of new people coming in from outside of the TE community.

What does this mean for you?

The answer is simple: really fresh eye-balls... and more leads!

Guido Nussbaum and I have the same view of Traffic Exchanges...

They Are a Great Source of Leads!

The reason I have had such a good year with my TE marketing is because I use ALL my traffic credits to build my list. It's that simple.

If you are not using your traffic exchange credits to build your list and generate leads, you are making a fatal mistake!

Take a look at this revealing headline from the TrafficWitch home page.

"If You're Not Using Traffic Exchanges You're Leaving 100's and 1000's of Subscribers and Referrals a Month on the Table"

Consider that incredible headline for just a moment.

Who is he talking to?

ANS: He is talking to people who are NOT using Traffic Exchanges.

WHAT is he telling them?

ANS: Traffic Exchanges are a great source of subscribers and referrals.

Guido is telling the list building community that traffic exchanges are an excellent place for them to build their subscriber list!

Not only are all of the leaders in the TE community telling us to build our lists, but top leaders in the List Building community are saying that traffic exchanges are a perfect place to do it!

Read that last paragraph again until it sinks in.

Don't know how to use Traffic Exchanges to build your list?

You will discover exactly how to build a list and grow your business with Traffic Exchanges using a proven success formula anyone can use. No experience required.

To get your free Traffic Report, click on the report cover above or simply enter your first name and email address in the blue form on the right.

You owe it to yourself to read this revealing report today.

Start Generating Avalanches of Traffic, Leads, and Cash from Traffic Exchanges Right Now!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Three Joes

Let me tell you about three Internet Marketers... Joe the Surfer, Jo (short for JoAnn) the ListBuilder, and Joe the Pro.

The three Joes occasionally get together 'off line' to relax and discuss their marketing, sharing what works and what doesn't. Each one is using Traffic Exchanges to build their business.

One day Joe the Surfer was looking rather tired, so Jo the ListBuilder asked him "Dude, why are you looking so ragged?"

"I was up surfing for about 3,000 credits last night" said Joe the Surfer.

"Oh?" she said. "What did that cost you?"

"About four hours of sleep!" was the answer.

Jo the ListBuilder advised "that was a heavy price to pay wasn't it? Don't you know you could just purchase those credits for about $20?"

"Of course" said Joe the Surfer. "But I'd be losing money. I would not make enough sales to cover the $20 cost."

Jo the ListBuilder said "We need to look at what you are doing with your credits. You should be able to earn at least $30 with 3,000 traffic credits!

"Build your own list of subscribers first. Instead of using your traffic credits to promote one affiliate program at a time, use those credits to gain a subscriber. Then you can promote as many different affiliate programs as you want to your list. It's repeat business, man. More bang for the credit!

"You should be able to make at least $1 per month for each subscriber on your list. So build your list, Surfer Joe!"

Meanwhile Joe the Pro had not said a word. He was just sitting there listening and looking like the cat that ate the canary.

Finally, Joe the Surfer said "What gives, Joe? Why are you grinning like that?"

"Well..." Joe the Pro started, "after dinner and a great movie last night, I decided to log onto a few traffic exchanges to check my credit balances and assign some traffic credits to my favorite lead capture pages before heading off to bed.

"This morning over coffee I checked my credit balances again and they had increased by another 3,000 traffic credits."

"So you didn't surf?" asked Joe the Surfer.

"I surfed a little while this morning to see what was going on."

"You did not purchase those 3,000 credits?" asked Jo the ListBuilder.

"No. My traffic credits build up on their own."

"You get your traffic for free?"

"Not exactly. My credits are better than free.

"When I logged into my Traffic-Splash account this morning I had also earned another $30 commission. So I guess you could say my credits cost negative one cent each.

"Traffic-Splash is just one of the Traffic Exchanges that pays me. The cost of the upgrade is nothing compared to the commissions they generate.

"You see" Joe the Pro explained, "I earn money with my marketing before anyone joins my business. I have upgraded memberships in about 20 traffic exchanges and I profit with those upgrades."

"Upgrades in 20 traffic exchanges? That must be expensive!" exclaimed Surfer Joe.

"Not at all" said the Pro.

"I began with one upgrade. Then I used all the traffic I earned while surfing (plus the bonus traffic credits for being an upgraded member) to build a list of leads for my business.

"Before introducing my subscribers to my business, I offered solid advice on how they could get better results with traffic exchanges. I also offered them a fabulous product with a very low price point.

"Up front income from product sales more than covered the cost of my upgraded membership.

"The upgrade paid for itself... so I did it again. I upgraded in another exchange, made more up front income, then upgraded in another.

"Many of my subscribers who purchased the product thanked me for sharing it with them. They were interested in what I was doing. They were attracted to my business.

"As my subscribers started doing what I was doing, they also upgraded in the exchanges in order to get more traffic with less surfing. Their increased product sales covered the cost of their upgrades.

"When they upgraded in the traffic exchanges, I got paid. Now my upgraded memberships don't cost me anything!

"My memberships pay me. I get paid in residual traffic plus commissions.

"I get several thousand traffic credits each month without surfing and I earn a profit of almost $1,000 per month from my traffic exchange memberships. Some of the profit I use to purchase even more traffic, which converts back into yet more profit!

"The TE owners are happy, my subscribers and partners are happy and I'm happy. It's a win-win-win situation for everyone.

"Sure, you can build a list and make money from your subscribers. But it is much better to give your subscribers what they want. Show your subscribers how they can generate more traffic by building a list of leads and getting paid to do it."


Everyone starts out like Joe the Surfer. Surfing long hours. Not generating income.

No one can continue for very long in that situation. You either learn how to use traffic exchanges effectively... or quit.

Jo the ListBuilder has learned how to use Traffic Exchanges effectively. She promotes herself by building a list. She does not waste traffic on affiliate sales pages.

By building a list she gets more response... and MORE TRAFFIC. Instead of sending a surfer to just one website, she is sending her subscribers to several websites. One today, another tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

The Pro is just like the ListBuilder but he has shown others how to use traffic exchanges effectively. Sure he wants to make money, but he does it without trying so hard. By helping other people first, the sales follow.

If you are just sick of surfing, then you need to do something differently. Learn how to surf effectively, generate leads, and create up front income. Then share your 'secret' with others.

Traffic Exchange Profits was created to show anyone how to quickly profit from traffic exchanges. It's much easier than you could imagine.

Grab a copy of my free traffic report and get started today!

Yes! Show Me Now!

To All Your Profits,

PS. This brand new exchange is destined to be a great source of traffic and leads. Plus it pays up to an uncanny 75% commission on referral upgrades! Join now and be a part of a system that allows you to earn both traffic and cash from your promotional efforts.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

S.W.A.T. Traffic Relaunch

Jon Olson's relaunch of S.W.A.T. Traffic has created a surge of activity and new members. With all of those fresh eyes, now is a great time to get your splash pages in rotation on S.W.A.T.

I hope you were quick enough to be one of the first 500 to join during last week's promotion. If so you will get $5 added to your S.W.A.T. account.

As promised, three lucky people have received a one-month upgrade to Captain as my way of saying thanks for joining through my link.

Congratulations to newly appointed Captains Robert (blackfeather), Kevin (windrider), and Ron (ronalds)!

Be sure to get the most from your upgrade by surfing daily over the next 30 days. Also stop by the S.W.A.T. conference reserved for Captains only.

If you missed the relaunch last week, don't worry. It is never too late to join S.W.A.T. Traffic. Get in on the action.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

All Points Bulletin

Jon Olson (The TE Guy) is relaunching his S.W.A.T. Traffic exchange today. If you are not a S.W.A.T. member now is the time to join get $5 added to your account as a sign up bonus.

You must be quick. The $5 bonus is limited to the first 500 who sign up during this promotion.

If you promote to your list (you are building your list, right?) you will also receive $1 per new referral for the next 24 hours!

Why join the S.W.A.T. squad?

In addition to strong leadership, growing member base and great source of leads, S.W.A.T. offers tactical training on getting the most from TE marketing. The Captain upgrade includes some of the best bonuses around and access to the private password protected weekly live conference and seminar room.

Join S.W.A.T. right now and you could be one of the lucky three who receive a free one-month upgrade to Captain as my own way of saying thanks for joining through my link.

Here's what my friend, Paul Kinder of Traffic-Splash fame, has to say about S.W.A.T...

"SWAT is just pure quality. Cool design, fast traffic, responsive membership and of course the service you expect from THE Traffic Exchange Guy. Above all that, one thing stands out, and makes SWAT unique. SWAT is THE Upgrade because the seminars are THE place to learn, network, do deals and just have fun. More money. More laughs. Works for me."

Get in on the action!
S.W.A.T. Captain, Scott Douglas

Friday, July 18, 2008

Surfing for Success

No matter what type of marketing you are involved in, a clear understanding of your target market is critical for success. Traffic Exchanges are no different.

The TE Profits Traffic Report provides a clear picture of what practically every surfer wants. More traffic, leads for their business, and a way to generate income. The TE Profits Marketing System provides a proven way to get all three with the least amount of effort.

In addition to understanding people in traffic exchanges, you must learn how to use your traffic tools for best results. One source of information and surfing tools I highly recommend is Darrell Dean.

Darrell is a successful surfer who has written a book that every surfer should read. "Inside the Mind of a Successful Surfer" is a collection of essays that give you valuable insights into using traffic exchanges effectively. You'll find the message similar to what I teach in the TE Profits Traffic Report.

(Click the image to read it online now, or right click and save to your desktop for later reading.)

Darrell also offers a membership site called “Surfing for Success” to help people maximize their surfing. It's an excellent resource for understanding how traffic exchanges work.

Highly recommended. Do yourself a favor and check out his free membership site today!

To YOUR Surfing Success,

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fast... Fun... and Easy!

I've been neglectful on this project blog because I'm having such a great time with fast growth of TE Profits. Every day more and more people are finding out how easy it is to make money with Traffic Exchanges.

But it's not just about the money. The increased traffic and leads is also fun to watch. Before long I'll have to upgrade the server to handle the load.

Almost daily I get an email from a member who has just made their first ever sale on the internet. The excitement is contagious. I still remember my first sale. It was on the very first day that I bought a remarkable ebook for just five dollars. I told a couple of friends of mine and they both bought the book the same day!

Since then it's been all gravy and I've never looked back.

What's the book? Take a look at the side bar on the right of this blog for a clue...

But if you have not read my free Traffic Report, that's the place to start. Get it HERE.

By the way, that link is to a rotator which gets a lot of traffic. Subscribers to TE Profits benefit by getting extra subscribers and sales without surfing. I've had a couple of members email saying they were pressed for time and had not been surfing traffic exchanges but somehow magically got paid!

Here's a look at the new TE Profits Traffic Report cover.

Using the TE Profits traffic and lead generation system, if you have one of these...

You can turn it into this...
(Click the image to enlarge)

All the details are in your free report. Grab your copy today!

Happy Surfing!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008 Goes Viral

Response to the TE Profits Traffic Report has been amazing!

The report clearly illustrates my "Systems Approach" to marketing and paints a clear picture worth thousands of words... and dollars. People are getting the picture and taking action to profit from their own traffic exchange marketing.

The system that my Traffic Report teaches works. The report itself is, in fact, an implementation of that same system... and IT works! The report is working so well that more people are asking on a daily basis how they can get a copy with their links in it.

In response to growing demand I have moved the website to a new server at This means the Traffic Report is now available for anyone who would like to have a copy with their own links in it.

The report is going viral!

If you have not yet read my Traffic Report you should read it now. You will eventually read it anyway and honestly... you don't want to be last.

If you have already read the report and would like more information about having a personalized copy, just shoot me an email and I'll point you in the right direction.

To Your Profitable TE Marketing,

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

MBA Goes On Line...

This is a true story about a friend of mine who's been very interested in my online business.

I'm sure you've all been there, too. Your family and friends think you must be crazy trying to create an income from all those "get rich quick" and money making "scams" on the internet.

In all honesty, you can't blame them for their concern. For the most part... they are correct.

Well, my MBA friend with her healthy curiosity about any successful business has been after me to explain how I am able to make a living at what I do. The problem was that she really did not know what I do, much less how I do it.

So I after a little hesitation and a couple cups of coffee, I decided to try and explain.

"I show people how to build their on line business."

She said, "OK... so you are an online consultant. Do you get paid by the hour, or by a set fee?"

The consultant description is one I had not thought of before, but I went along. It fits and I kind of liked it. But explaining how I get paid?

"No, I don't charge by the hour and I don't charge any fees."

She thought that I was crazy... (she might be right).

I then proceeded to explain how that any off line business needs customers, right? "Right." And any off line business has to have something to sell in order to make any money, right? "Right." And unless the business is located on a busy street with a lot of people passing by and looking in the window, it probably has to advertise in order to get people into the store, right? "Right."

She was with me so far.

Then I told her about advertising on the internet using free traffic from Traffic Exchanges to attract other people into an online store.

My MBA friend knew a little more than I realized about internet traffic, sales pages, and conversions. She even knew "all about" traffic exchanges and that they "simply do not work" because the traffic is not targeted.

"Traffic Exchanges are full of inexperienced people who know little about business and marketing, trying to market anything to make buck off each other. Most people are wasting their time," she said.

"You are absolutely correct."

"And that is where you market, Traffic Exchanges."


"And that's how you are making all this money?"


"From Traffic Exchanges?"

I think she was starting to get it... "Yes."

"But I thought you agreed that marketing in a Traffic Exchange was a waste of time."

"I never said that. I only agreed that most people simply do not know HOW to market in a free Traffic Exchange and they are wasting their time."

"Yet you market in the same exchanges."


"How do you get your customers?"

"By offering a free Traffic Report that will help them understand the problem they are facing and provide the best solution available. I teach them how easy it is to create much more traffic with less work, and how to get the attention of other Traffic Exchange surfers in order to generate leads for their business. I teach them how to get paid while they are doing all of that by selling a very informative eBook."

"Oh, so you sell books?"


"Must be a LOT of books!"

"A few."

"How many?"

"It depends on how much traffic I generate and how well I get their attention, but about one or two out of every ten of the people who read my free Traffic Report also buy the book."

"That's pretty good! You must be a good salesman!"

"Not really. I don't have a professional website with fancy graphics or killer sales copy. I just tell it like it is. The book is something they want and need. For just five bucks they are learning about all of the hype and lies that they are exposed to daily while surfing through the exchanges. Some of them have lost thousands of dollars to online pyramids schemes and other programs designed to take their money. It could have been prevented by reading this book for just five bucks.

"Some of my customers just want to read the book, so they buy it. Other customers want to put into practice what I teach in my report and make book sales of their own while they build their own business.

"It's really just people helping other people. It's spreading like a virus."

"So you are making all your money selling books?"

"Well obviously it's not just book sales, but that is where it all starts. The rest of the income is 'stacked' on top of the book sales."

To make a long story short, she wholeheartedly endorsed my system as a solid business model. In fact, she is on board with her own traffic exchange marketing and already generating a solid profit.

The last time we saw each other... she bought the coffee.

If you have not read my new Traffic Report, now is the time to explore the possibility of success for yourself. Learn how to use Traffic Exchanges the right way, apply what you learn, and be amazed at the difference!

Happy Surfing,

Monday, March 17, 2008

Maximize Your Traffic!

One of my favorite and most responsive traffic sources has just received a makeover.

William Brant (author, 13 Deadly Traffic Exchange Tragedies) presents a brand new look at the fast and hot MaxTrafficPro!

Maximize your traffic right now at... MaxTrafficPro

Happy Surfing,

Monday, March 10, 2008

Grab Your Share...

Today my inbox has several emails that I have been sent funds via the Money Exchange... and your's will, too. So far I have received $65 in my account and the day isn't half over.

Here's how...

I was just introduced to a new payment processor that is very similar to PayPal. They are out of South Dakota and backed by the FDIC.

From now until the end of March they are offering $25 just for joining, and they will pay you $10 per referral.

Register for you new account today to receive $25. Then pass the word to your growing list and you will get $10 for each referral... up to $500!

You have been building your list, right?

There is no cost for this... no monthly fees, no contracts, nothing. Just sign up and $25 will be placed in your account to spend anyway you want.

Nothing could be easier. Sign up only takes a minute...

Remember... this is a short term offer, ending on March 31st.

(This program is presently only available in the US.)


1) Send me an email to: dragonflymarketing at

Put in the Subject Line: Show Me the Money... and I will send you an invite to join this program.

2) Join from the link I send you to receive your $25.

3) Send this email invitation to your list to receive additional deposits of up to $500.

Have a Great Day!

PS. If you have not funded your Traffic Exchange Profits marketing system, this is a perfect time to do so. Just use five bucks of your new money to fund your system and you will generate 10 times more traffic, 5 times more subscribers for your list, and growing residual income.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Traffic Exchange Profits

This is exciting news...

I have just released my highly anticipated report on how to make Traffic Exchange marketing actually work for you. In it I reveal how I use traffic exchanges to generate massive amounts of viral traffic and quickly convert that traffic to income.

As one of my valued customers, I'm giving you complete access which lets you download this remarkable report 100% free.

Here is your special download link:

If you would like to learn how to generate much more traffic, build your own list of leads, and get P@ID to do it... you need to read this report.

Pick up your free copy now before it’s gone!

All the best,

Monday, January 14, 2008

Coming Soon...

Wow! The Holidays flew past quickly and I did not realize how bad I've been with my web logging.

Just a quick update today.

First, my favorite traffic builder, VitalViral, continues to grow and my friend Troy Wray has some awesome things planned for this year to help people use their traffic to build a list. A list of leads is the best way to build an internet business.

Second, as you know... I do not sell or promote "opportunities" in the exchanges or on my blog. My income is generated through sales of traffic-related products (targeted marketing) and my effort is rewarded with sales of the $5 Franchise (funded proposal).

One of my primary traffic and list building products is TrafficWave. An autoresponder is an essential tool that all serious marketers use. If you do not have an autoresponder, you eventually will or you will probably be out of the business. My own personal sales are generated as a direct result of putting TrafficWave to use (lead capture, follow up, closing sales).

It is this demand for autoresponders that makes it such an ideal product to market, and TrafficWave has a fantastic affiliate plan to reward those who help promote the product. In fact, the total residual income potential from TrafficWave greatly exceeds any other product I market.

Finally, here is a preview of the new Dragonfly Marketing website coming soon...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Surfing, Splashing & Fishing

What do Surfing, Splashing and Fishing have in common?

HINT: It's not just water!

Promoting your splash pages by surfing through traffic exchanges is a LOT like fishing. You are looking for the RIGHT bait to use in the MOST PRODUCTIVE fishing spot.

But how many professional fishermen are going to share their best-kept secrets on where the fish can be found?

Here's one... me!

Last month I shared with you that one of the fastest growing and most productive traffic exchanges has been added to the VitalViral list of programs.

That new program is Traffic-Splash.

Not only has it generated tons of new subscribers to VitalViral, but it has generated consistent sales without any additional work.

If you haven't already done so, sign up for an account at Traffic-Splash and put your affiliate ID in the VitalViral backoffice. Promote VitalViral in Traffic-Splash and your other favorite exchanges and watch your traffic and downlines grow in all of them.

For added results and income...

Use the excellent Traffic-Splash splash pages (bait) in highly productive fishing spots like TrafficSwarm, SWAT Traffic, I Love Hits, and DragonSurf. These spots are bringing in new signups daily.

To your fishing success,

Free Traffic for Life

PS. Be sure to watch for the special OTO currently being offered at Traffic-Splash. It converted more than 20% of my referrals to professional upgrades.

You will get p@id on those upgrades even as a free member, but you'll get 50% as a pro member.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Credit Value

Do you know what your "Credit Value" is?

Here is one way to look at it...

The average cost of a traffic exchange credit is about 1 cent per visitor.

By personally generating 500 credits in an hour, you can earn $5 worth of credits each hour. Five dollars per hour is not bad working from home.

But then add to that the free residual credits from your referrals and this can really add up!

However, $5 worth of credits is NOT the same as $5 in earnings... unless the traffic converts to income.

Your Credit Value is based on what your earn (not pay) for your credits.

By promoting VitalViral using the squeeze pages to build my list, I generate income from conversions.

Calculating earnings per credit, my Credit Value can be as high as 2 to 4 cents per credit!

So if your credits are worth 2 cents, but only cost one cent each... shouldn't you buy credits?

The answer is "Yes" and "No".

Something to remember, especially when you work online, is that you need a budget. You have to set a monthly budget and keep it in place so that you get the best returns on your investment.

For example... deciding which traffic exchanges to upgrade in, and how much to spend on credit purchases to get you the best exposure.

A common problem getting started online is that people do not have extra money to spend on essential tools. If that is your situation, you will need to invest TIME rather than money. First focus your time on building traffic.

Second, focus on your list. The first thing I spent any money on for my business was my autoresponder service. Using TrafficWave, I was able to get unlimited autoresponders AND ad tracking service for less than 20 bucks.

That expense was easily recovered during the first month (actually less than a week), so that I could quickly put the funds to work in other areas.

My overall budget was first set at $50 per month, and since my autoresponder was paid for I was able to invest all of that budget into traffic.

I invested in 3 traffic exchanges at roughly $10 per month. One notable exception was TRAFFICswarm, which costs $30 per month.

Keeping this budget, my income started to grow from sales of eBooks AND autoresponder accounts.

Positive cashflow was again achieved quickly.

The main thing to stress is to keep your budget, and as you start generating income you can trade some of that income for traffic credits. This will allow you to free up some of your time.

I still spend a lot of time surfing exchanges, but now I can purchase credits because I kept with my plan and spent my money wisely.

Set a budget and stick to it.

And don't forget to surf for your free traffic credits.

Happy Surfing!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Do You Have a Plan?

Today I just want to encourage you to stop and think about your Business Plan and your Marketing Plan.

What is it that you are selling... and why should your customers buy it?

Your Business Plan describes "what" you are selling.

Your Marketing Plan addresses "why" your customers should be attracted to your business. Without a marketing plan you are dead in the water before you even start.

And THAT is why 95% of the people involved in network or internet marketing fail.

They work backwards!

First they find what to sell, and then try to figure out how to sell it. When that fails, they try selling something else.

That approach leads to frustration, stress, and empty pockets.

The 95% group has a buyer mindset. They are looking for something "out there" on the information highway that holds the "secret" key.

And they are buying it... everywhere.

But the 5% group are the ones with a business mindset, and they are selling to the other 95%.

>> Do you get that? <<

Now here's the "secret key" that will take you from the 95% group and put you into the top 5% almost instantly.

Drop the "buyer" mindset.

Stop thinking about what it is that you want... and Start thinking about what the market wants and needs.

You see, it's not about YOU or what YOU are selling.

It's about THEM and what THEY want.

Here is one of my favorite quotes. It's from Zig Ziglar so you've probably heard it before...

"We can have anything we want in life if we're willing to help enough other people get what they want."

I'll be very honest here. I want more traffic.

How do I generate more traffic? By helping YOU generate more traffic.

How do YOU generate more traffic? By helping others generate more traffic.

If you have not already started building your traffic, start here...

==> Free Traffic for Life

It works! Just check out my inbox...

==> My Email Inbox

(I use this splash page in the TEs for awesome results.)

Why does promoting VitalViral work?

Because there is one common thing that EVERYONE in a traffic exchange wants... MORE TRAFFIC!

Best regards,

Monday, September 10, 2007

It's All About Marketing

Where is your focus?

One of the biggest challenges faced in online marketing is staying on track. We are presented with an enormous amount of advertising every day that targets a natural desire to find an "easier way" to succeed on the internet. And these ads can be very compelling.

But most of that advertising is designed to do one thing... suck money from your wallet.

So how do you overcome the temptation to buy into these systems that promise big bucks and retirement in six months?

The answer is actually quite simple...

Stop being a "buyer".

What I mean by that is stop thinking there is some magical or secret formula out there that is going to do your marketing for you.

Let me ask you another question.

What do Internet Marketing and Network Marketing have in common?

It's right in front of you. The MARKETING!

Before you ever consider buying into an "opportunity of a lifetime" you need to think rationally about how you are going to market it. Until you know how to do some effective marketing, just keep your money in your wallet.

So what is marketing? In simple terms "marketing" is how you find customers and draw them to you.

With internet marketing you have two basic approaches.

One is to attract targeted traffic. Provide a way for customers interested in what you are offering to find you.

A second approach is to find an existing source of traffic and then target that traffic with something you know they already want.

And THAT is the beauty of traffic exchanges. You know what they already want. More traffic.

This type of marketing is exciting and can actually be fun. It's almost child's play because you understand something they don't.

Here's how to get the most from traffic exchanges. Stop trying to sell them something they don't want. Instead GIVE them something they do want.

Learn how to build more traffic using exchanges and then teach others to do the same.

Sure there are other forms of marketing and traffic generation. But if you are just starting out this is a great place to start. Focus on the skills you need for effective marketing in traffic exchanges and then branch out to other sources only after you master this one.

Ready to get started? Go here...

To you surfing success,

PS. Check out this new splash page I am using to pull new customers from the exchanges.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Free Traffic and Leads

Looking for an endless stream of traffic and leads for your business?

Without traffic you have

* no leads,
* no subscribers,
* no list, and
* no business... period

The winning formula is simple.

Send massive amounts of traffic to your capture page, then follow up to convert them to paying customers.

Traffic + Opt-in + Conversion = Income

Where can you get free targeted traffic?

The answer may surprise you...

==> The Dragonfly Recommends VitalViral

By simply promoting this generic downline builder, my traffic credits are growing. Even when I stop surfing my traffic continues to grow from my referrals who are surfing to build their downlines.

Still reading?

Great...because this is the BEST PART.

When I use squeeze pages to capture the email of surfers who are looking to increase their traffic... I am building my list.

Then I teach my subscribers how to create more traffic, which in turn increases my traffic and opt-ins without any additional effort!


My traffic builds my list, and
My list builds my traffic.

All you have to do is "prime the pump" and then
it starts growing on its own.

==> The Dragonfly Recommends VitalViral

BONUS: This tool also builds your downlines in ListBandit
and YourLuckyList. My downlines are growing daily!

It's a PERPETUAL list building machine!

To Your List Building Success,
Scott "The Dragonfly" Douglas

PS. Sign up to my "Traffic and Leads" newsletter so you can learn to:

* generate tons of free traffic
* capture the attention of that traffic
* build your own opt-in list
* follow up with your leads, and
* convert them into customers

Simply enter your name and email into the blue form to the right. Your information will never be shared and you can opt out at any time.

PPS. You will also receive a professionally written email campaign ready-made to load into your autoresponder so you can start building your traffic and your list today.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Do Traffic Exchanges Work?

Traffic Exchanges are a ripe picking ground for making tons of residual income. When you know how to work the exchanges properly, making money is almost child's play.

There is a growing group of people that use TEs exclusively to build their business. I should know... I'm one of them.

Now there's hope for anyone with the guts to step out of the crowd. The 'secret' has been let out of the bag...

William Brant, owner of MaxTrafficPro, has identified

13 Deadly Traffic Exchange Tragedies

stopping most members from being successful with their advertising.

He has broken down the most common mistakes that people make, mistakes that are keeping them from being profitable, and written a report on how to identify and avoid them.

This report will blow you socks off and show you how to finally start making real money with the easiest form of marketing on the internet.

I grabbed a copy of "13 Deadly Tragedies" a couple of days ago. It was well worth the cup of Starbucks price. Even as an expert on traffic exchange marketing, the book included several golden nuggets that I will be using.

First, I'll share a synopsis of the book and then I'll give you a heads up on what to expect.


The 30 page book (in pdf) is written by William Brant. As a pro member of MaxTrafficPro I am already a fan of Mr. Brant. He writes in a clear manner that is a logical and easy read. It only took about 30 minutes to digest the entire book in one sitting, but I'm sure to be referring back to it many times in the future.

The theme of the book is one you have heard from me repeatedly.

Traffic Exchanges DO work... IF you know how to use them.

With each 'tragedy', William provides a solution that is a better way to market in the exchanges. These include such things as understanding the target audience and what they want, and making effective use of splash and squeeze pages in the exchanges.

He also discusses the importance of branding yourself in the exchanges by treating this as YOUR business, not just an affiliate of someone else.

One of the most important tips that I fully agree with is the importance of building your own list of subscribers.

A key topic that I found useful is the 'downline' building strategy.

He correctly points out that building downlines and free residual traffic needs to be a part of an overall plan which converts that traffic into an income. Free traffic simply for the sake of more free traffic has no monetary value until you start to convert that traffic with sales.

My short take on that is to FIRST decide how you are going to generate sales. In my opinion, you have two options with TE's.

The first is to use some of the credits to promote affiliate pages in the TE's. This is something that I consider to be a waste of credits, and it does cause the most common of the tragedies.

The second, which is my preferred method, is to generate a subscriber list and promote products and services to the list on the 'back end' with informative pre-sell emails. Using this method is more highly targeted and responsive, while conserving all of your credits to promote your traffic business and build your list.

Back to the book...


There is not much I would say negative about the book or the value received, although my high school English teacher may have a few comments on sentence structure. But William writes in a clear fashion that easily conveys his message.

There are no 'gotchas' and it is NOT loaded with a bunch of affiliate links to try and promote his business or affiliate programs. He only offers one or two active links in the book, and they are worth looking at.

The value of the book could be increased if it also included a membership site and link rebranding for the book. But as an omission there is nothing lost, and that tactic has probably been overused anyway. It was actually a relief NOT having to join a bunch of new programs just so I could add my links before reselling the book. It is sold 'as is'.

What do you get with the book?

You do get full resell rights via paypal with 100% commission.

As for the price... yes, I believe I have received full value for the book itself and feel no need to peddle it off just to get my money back.

But... if you still would like a copy to read or to share with your own list, then here is my link:

The Dragonfly recommends
13 Deadly Tragedies

Thanks for reading!

Scott (aka... "The Dragonfly")

PS. I should also mention that there is an OTO. But that is to be expected. What other reason would he have for giving away all the up front commissions?

I don't want to spoil the OTO or make it sound like I'm really just trying to sell it, but it was something I could not resist.

The commission on the OTO is 50%, which is simply another added bonus because the value of the OTO is so much more than the price.

What is the OTO? Without giving it away... it is definitely for anyone who is in a position of converting their traffic exchange credits into income.

If you are not monetizing your credits, then keep your money and keep surfing for free credits.

But if you are monetizing your traffic, then this is an investment you won't want to miss. With my current rate of conversion, I expect to quadruple the small investment.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Perpetual Traffic and Leads

How to Use Traffic Exchanges to Generate Perpetual Traffic and Leads to Your Business

Everyone knows that in order to be successful in any Network Marketing or Affiliate program you need traffic and leads... LOT'S of them. With enough leads you can make any business work!

So like thousands of new people every day, you are looking to the internet as a way to build your business without cold calling, bugging family and friends, or buying leads.

Sounds easy, right? Just get a replicated business website and send prospects to your page...

Yeah, right!

How's that working for you?

If you are like 95% of the people trying to generate an income online, you are faced with a whole new set of difficulties generating leads and sales. You have probably already learned that getting traffic to your website becomes the #1 problem faced by anyone in online marketing.

With all of the competition and hype on the internet, how can you survive long enough to get your own business off the ground?

With all of the static and interference, how can you capture the attention of traffic on the internet?

Once you have their attention, how do you follow up with them to convert them into paying customers?

The internet is flooded with tools for generating traffic. Some of them include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), blogging, or even simply purchasing traffic.

Any of these methods can and do work given the right amount of time and money to get started.


I will show you a much EASIER way to generate leads to your business.

The Dragonfly Project uses a proven system that is easy for anyone to copy. The system generates traffic, leads and a subscriber list that automatically follows up with prospects to build any business.

This system involves:

* No SEO
* No PPC
* No purchased traffic
* No purchased leads
* No blogging
* No email spamming
* No posting links all over the internet

In fact, you don't even need your own website!

Chances are very high that you are reading this right now as a result of this method.

Traffic Exchanges's NOT what you think.

Like any other source of traffic, Traffic Exchanges can be very time consuming and the results are often not enough to justify the effort. Unless...

You know HOW to use them!

This is how a traffic exchange typically works. You click your mouse in an exchange to view other people's business offer so that, in return, they will view yours when they click their mouse.

The input is a click of the mouse.
The process is automated by the Traffic Exchange.
The output is traffic. Other people looking at your business offer.

But what happens when you stop clicking?

Since the input is YOU clicking...when you stop...the traffic stops...the output stops.

Not much fun there, huh? What about all those people lying around on the beach while their internet business keeps spinning out loads of cash?

Well, they may make it look easy. But trust me on this... if they are honestly lying out on the beach... they earned it through hard work and one other thing...


Is there a way to leverage your free traffic into perpetual traffic and leads for you business?


One of the most overlooked benefits of a traffic exchange is the EXTRA traffic earned by referring other marketers to that exchange. Basically, by "selling" the traffic exchange service you are getting "paid" in free traffic.

What happens when you reinvest your free traffic back into the traffic multiplier?

Ah... even MORE free traffic. In a very short time a compounding effect takes over. The traffic starts to grow on it's own... PERPETUALLY!

This free residual traffic becomes residual income when you use that traffic to generate leads for your business.

When you do it have GROWING residual traffic that becomes GROWING residual income!

To get the full details on how I am using free traffic to generate leads for my business, simply enter your name and email into the blue form at the top right of this blog.

You will discover how to generate perpetual traffic, capture their attention, and turn them into leads for your business... on autopilot!

To Your Success,
"The Dragonfly"

PS. If you want to generate perpetual traffic, this is my TOP recommendation...

Friday, January 12, 2007


TrafficWave is the heartbeat of this project, and what I am going to do today is describe for you the HOW and WHY it works. If you take a close look at what I am going to tell you, the benefits of using this tool to build your business will be readily apparent.

TrafficWave is a front-end service that is the very essence of Forward Marketing we discussed earlier. It provides INPUT for your business and then automates the PROCESS of following up with your prospects to educate them and turn them into customers.

There are three key components, or tools, included in the TrafficWave service: 1) Unlimited Autoresponders, 2) Unlimited Ad Tracking capability, and 3) FFA page hosting.

Automated lead generation and follow up is the key to growing your business or building a Network Marketing organization without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business. Using TrafficWave and the tools that I will discuss in future posts, you will generate a recurring monthly income from what I call an Internet "Vending Machine."

For more information input your first name and email address into the blue form at the upper right of this blog. You will then receive a free newsletter from me where you will discover how to build your business with free targeted traffic and leads.

Or you can simply send an email to:

Do it today! The report is FREE and you are under no obligation to purchase anything. Your information will never be sold to any third party or used for any other purpose.

Best Regards,
Scott "The Dragonfly" Douglas

Ride the Wave!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

FFA Hosting

A Free-For-All (FFA) page is a website where individuals can place short classified ads in the form of a hyperlink to THEIR website. In simple terms, FFA pages are like bulletin boards at a grocery store. Most every new internet marketer has posted to a number of FFA pages in an attempt to draw traffic to their website.

You may already have a great product or service and a great website. But it takes more than that.


Unfortunately, if you're like 99.9% of all internet marketers, the traffic you get from posting to FFA networks is ZERO! All your time and effort amount to zero, zip, nada! But WHY!?

Why doesn't posting to FFA pages work for you?


Just like at the grocery store bulletin board, the only people looking at your ad are the other people who are posting on the bulletin board. And they aren't buying... they're selling.

So what is the solution to this problem?

Listen carefully because I am about to pull back the curtain and give you the "insider secret" that you have been looking for. This is a well-established marketing technique called "reverse advertising," and its the most effective way to market yourself on the internet today!

"HOST, Don't POST!"

Heres how it works...

TrafficWave hosts your own FFA page that you control, along with unlimited autoresponders that allow you to follow up and convert more visitors to sales.

Whenever someone posts a link (their ad) on your FFA site, they receive an automatic message from your autoresponder. This automatic message is the "confirmation message" to the person who posts the ad indicating that his or her ad has been placed on your site.

By hosting your own FFA page you AUTOMATICALLY get your sales message out to hundreds of hot prospects for your program, product or service every day!

OK. It's time to demonstrate exactly how this works because I want you to fully understand this system.

Right now, visit the following link to view my TrafficWave FFA page. On this page you will see about 100 active, real time links that people all over the internet around the globe have posted today.

The Dragonfly FFA Page

At the bottom of the FFA page is a form for people to input their email address, title of their post, and the link to their web site.

Now, here is exactly what happens...

Each and every day between 180 to 200 people are subscribing to my FFA "lead generation" page. Therefore, my message is automatically sent to more than 1,000 people in a week's time. That message includes my website address so that the reader can visit my website to discover more information about my business. Your message that is sent out to these subscribers will automatically promote any business you choose.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Forward Marketing

In a previous post, titled "How Does It Work?", we looked at the #1 reason most people fail in Internet and Network Marketing. That flaw is what I refer to as "Backward Marketing."

Most traditional Network Marketing companies cost a sizable chunk of money right up front, which puts pressure on you to make sales. That pressure adds to the failure rate. People will NOT buy from you if you are desperate...the harder you try, the worse the results. The traditional marketing methods of most these companies leads to frustration and failure 95% of the time.

They start by "selling" you on something that will probably cost $100 to $200 just to get started, and then require a budget of $150 to $200 per month to promote and advertise. The odds are stacked against you. People do NOT like to cold call, and family and friends do NOT want to be bothered with your opportunity.

"Forward Marketing" reverses that trend and eliminates cold calling, expensive advertising, and failure. With forward marketing you will learn how to market and build a team, THEN promote your primary business. You will stay in positive cash flow from the start and so will your team.

When using a Forward Marketing approach, most of your attention is focused on the front end of your business... the traffic and leads. In effect you have two businesses.

1. Your traffic and lead business, and
2. Your primary or "money" business

Both aspects are crucial for success. You must have traffic and you must have a way to convert that traffic to income. If what you are promoting does not convert, then all the traffic in the world will not help. is one of the best kept "secrets" in this business. Did you know that you can actually create income from your front-end traffic and lead business?

You can if you do it right!

There is one tool used in internet marketing that, above all others, is extremely useful for converting traffic into paying customers. And that tool is an autoresponder. When you use an autoresponder to stay in contact with your customers and build a relationship with them, your conversions to sales will increase.

Fortunately, an autoresponder service does not cost an arm and a leg... and if you have been reading along in this blog you already know that I use and recommend TrafficWave as the autoresponder of choice.

When you teach other people to use an autoresponder for THEIR business, you are growing a continuous residual income while you build YOUR business!

OK...back to the front end and forward marketing...

Here is my favorite source of traffic and leads:

FREE Traffic for Life

The best part is that this traffic system is integrated with my autoresponder. You've got to check it out for yourself to see how powerful it truly is.

NOTE: It is NOT a sales page. There is not even a paid membership if you wanted one.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

How Does It Work?

Let me start by saying that the systems and tools used in The Dragonfly Project are NOT related to my primary business. In fact, nowhere in this blog or on The Systems Approach blog is my primary business mentioned. If you are looking for your first "business opportunity" or to add an additional income stream to your portfolio, then please feel free to ask what I use. I do not pursue people to join my business. The only people I speak to about my business are those that are interested enough to ask.

Why do I not directly promote my primary business? Because these are considered "back-end" products and services. Much has been written recently and is freely available on the Internet regarding this topic, so I will not go into too much detail here. The general topic heading for this is the "funded proposal" concept, which is extremely popular due to it's success. A funded proposal is simply a way to cover your up front marketing expenses by offering a low cost item with appeal to a wide audience. With a successful funded proposal system, you can market your back-end products or services at no cost.

Why are these things important? In my experience, the #1 reason people fail in Network Marketing is a lack of proper training on marketing and promotion. It is a marketing business pursued by people with little or no experience in marketing. They are first "sold" on a great opportunity to make income by just getting three to get three to get three. Then they are told to make a list of everyone they know and start "selling" them on the same thing.

That process is BACKWARDS! Yes, it can and does work, but not very well. The facts show that the traditional process leads to a very high failure rate. It is like pushing a boulder up a hill. You push and push hoping to get to the top of the hill so that it will roll down the other side on it's own.

Now picture this. You start out on top of the hill with a small rock and then give it a little tap down the hill. The rock picks up momentum on its own and grows into a large boulder as it effortlessly rolls down the hill. This is what happens with FORWARD MARKETING.

Remember the Marketing Model we looked at in the Systems Approach to Marketing?

Most new Network Marketers start on the right side of this model with their product or service, and then work toward the left to try and build their business. This right-to-left approach is what is backward. They find themselves spending a lot of money first on their products, then on buying leads or costly advertising and are quickly in a negative cash flow situation before ever really getting started.

Instead, by moving from left-to-right as you build your business you are doing forward marketing. You are building a steady stream of prospects for your business BEFORE you start spending money out of pocket. This makes it possible for you to create a positive cash flow and stay in the game long enough to build your business. By teaching your team to do the same, you are ensuring their success and eliminating the "fall out" from your organization.

It is critical to make sure that any money you spend early on is put to work finding and tapping into your target market. Also, you must make sure that the money you spend up front is quickly recovered so that you always retain positive cashflow.

When you follow the steps presented here in The Dragonfly Project, you will definitely be in a positive cash flow position as you build your business. The steps are presented in a particular order for this very reason.

Follow the Table of Contents on the right side of this blog to ensure that you are following these steps in the proper order

Let's get started.

A Look at Internet Marketing

In the few years leading up to 2006, the quickest way to make money on the Internet was to write an eBook that provided some "secret" to making money on the internet. The Internet Marketer would write killer advertisments and sales pages to promote their book and then charge a small fee from $20 to $50 and up for the material, often enlisting affiliates to help them market the material.

This strategy has become more and more difficult for people to duplicate as the Internet has become proliferated with "Secrets" and "Success Formulas".

In order to make money the Internet Marketer had to develop better ads and sales pages to stay ahead of the competition. Ultimately, the target market for this type of material was other Internet Marketers. A few leaders emerged and the rest continued to spend their hard earned dollars trying to catch up by buying the next greatest product.

The overall effect is that the market is collapsing on itself. Internet Marketers are now giving away their "secrets" just in order to get subscribers. As predicted, Internet Marketing to Internet Marketers is dead.

The year 2006 has been "The Year of the Giveaway".

The good news is that the cost of internet marketing systems is being driven to zero. It is now possible to get a "business in a box" for free. These are various package systems that include pre-written sales pages, autoresponders, email opt-in forms, web hosting, and payment processing. These are the very tools that you can use to propel your business to success.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dragonfly Project - What Is It?

Thousands of people around the globe start a home based business every day hoping to find a way to:

  • Fire their boss
  • Spend more time with their family
  • Stay at home and earn money
  • Supplement their tight budget
  • Reach financial freedom
Historically, about 75% of those starting a home business quit after three months and 98% never get into a positive cash flow. The reason for this is generally a lack of proper training in how to market their home based business.

Now a new generation of network marketers is emerging that is tapping into the biggest trend in marketing history, The Internet, to reach massive numbers of people with their message. Successful businesses are taking off because they know something that other people don't.

Now it is your chance to discover the "secret" for yourself.

There are several very powerful systems consistently being used by big money earners I've met along the way, and these same systems can be readily learned and used by others seeking success. I have taken the "best of the best" systems and put them to work to automate my online business, and now...

I would like to show you exactly how I did it.

It takes a very special person to step up to the plate and conquer unchartered waters. If you are willing, I am going to teach you the exact same principles, strategies, and actions I am using to automate my online business. These are methods that you can duplicate with whatever business you are in to get the results you have always dreamed about.

In any marketing organization, solid and profitable growth can only be achieved through proper marketing techniques. Advertising and marketing are the keys to effective sales, and people must put forth the effort to understand and use sound practices. Therefore, the focus of The Dragonfly Project is proper marketing techniques and specific advertisments that actually work.

In this project, you will never be asked to:

  • Make a list of "warm market" family and friends
  • Attend group meetings
  • Conduct cold calling
  • Spend money on questionable opportunity leads
  • Use Google AdWords or AdSense
  • Sell on eBay
  • Incur out-of-pocket expenses for advertising or promotions
This system is built using the "Systems Approach to Marketing" and requires no previous knowledge of Internet Marketing or Network Marketing. It is a simple, easy to follow system designed to generate leads for your primary business and provide you with income in the process. You will never again spend money to buy leads but, in fact, will create a significant income while generating your own leads.

It is commonly known that you cannot build a large marketing organization without duplicating your efforts. Here is a lesser known truth...Systems are Duplicatable, People are Not.

Automated systems do two things for your business:

    1) they leverage your time and efforts, and

    2) they are easily duplicated.
One of the ways the internet's automated systems provide leverage is by reaching massive numbers of buyers and entrepeneurs. This eliminates cold calling. The fact that these systems are automated is the very reason they are easily duplicated. Finally, there is no need to market just one particular product or service. Using these automated systems allows you to easily market multiple products and services, resulting in multiple streams of income.

Whatever it is that you are selling, you must know how to properly promote and market your product or service. Most of the "Success Systems" on the Internet require some upfront cash from you before you are given the inside track. Even the "free" materials leave you to figure out for yourself how to make them work. They talk about free advertising sources but do not give you specific advertisements that produce results.

Why is The Dragonfly Project any different?

The Dragonfly Project will give you the exact ads and letters that I am using to virally grow traffic and paying customers to my business. No guesswork on your part. Simple step-by-step actions that get results with just a few minutes of your time per day.

Here again is the VISION for The Dragonfly Project:

"Anyone who has the desire to experience financial freedom by becoming an entrepreneur will learn how to be a successful small business owner and be able to teach others how to do the same. No one will be left behind. If they truly have the desire to learn and apply these strategic principles, success is guaranteed."

The Dragonfly Project is completely generic to any network marketing or affiliate program you may already be involved in.

By eliminating the road blocks common to most network marketing organizations, this is a truly duplicatable system. The system requires little or even zero investment of your hard-earned cash. All you will need is a computer with access to the Internet coupled with a willingness to learn and a desire to succeed.

No tricks, no magic, no secrets. Just plain good sense.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

FREE Traffic for Life!

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Dragonfly Project Update

Some of my readers at Systems Approach to Marketing have been asking about The Dragonfly Project and what it is. Is it really possible to build a Network Marketing organization without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business?

The answer is a resounding YES! And The Dragonfly Project is going to show you exactly how, using easy to understand, step by step processes. These processes fit together strategically into a cradle-to-grave system that will take you where you want to go. A profitable business from day 1.

This is a big order. But it should be. Dreams should be big. Visions are often very large and seemingly impossible to achieve. But then, any vision worth having is BIG.

Here is the VISION for The Dragonfly Project:

"Anyone who has the desire to experience financial freedom by becoming an entrepreneur will learn how to be a successful small business owner and be able to teach others how to do the same. No one will be left behind. If they truly have the desire to learn and apply these strategic principles, success is guaranteed."

Sound simple? Yes. Easy? No.

The system will involve:

  • No group meetings
  • No cold calling
  • No spending money on questionable opportunity leads
  • No Google AdWords or AdSense
  • No selling on eBay
  • No out-of-pocket expenses for advertising or promotions
  • No previous knowledge of Internet Marketing or Network Marketing

The model in this project is being built using the Systems Approach. It will be completely generic to any network marketing or affiliate program you may already be involved in. By eliminating the road blocks common to most network marketing organizations, this will be a truly duplicatable system. The system will require little or even zero investment of your hard-earned cash. All you will need is a computer with access to the Internet coupled with a desire and willingness to succeed.

The Dragonfly Project will be released right here on Blogger by January 1, 2007. It will pull back the curtain and reveal the wizard. No tricks, no magic, no secrets. Just plain good sense.

Keep a close watch here for the release of

The Dragonfly Project

Let the Dragonfly show you that it does not take a ‘guru’ or a genie in a bottle to build a huge marketing team.

All the best,
Scott Douglas

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Dragonfly Project Pre-Launch

Is Internet Marketing really dead?

In recent years, thousands of enterprising marketers with vision turned to the tremendous power and automation of the Internet to reach millions of prospective buyers with their products and services. What took place looked like "MAGIC" to the general public. The Internet 'gurus' used their 'insider secrets' to become overnight successes.


People started getting wise to the marketing 'tricks'.

In order for successful Internet Marketers to build a massive audience of buyers, Affiliate programs and Network Marketing teams have become king. These teams leverage the power of one person into the power of thousands. The most successful team members have learned and adopted the strategies of their leaders. Hence, the 'secret' has become available to anyone willing to learn, and the students have become the masters.

The Systems Approach to Marketing is one example of the secret being let out of the bag. A fundamental goal is to help people discern the truth behind the advertising. There is no get-rich-quick system that will automatically generate endless streams of cash with no work on your part. However, using sound marketing principles and systematic automated processes, those who are willing absolutely can succeed.

The Dragonfly Project, to be released right here on Blogger in the next few days, will pull back the curtain and reveal the wizard. No tricks, no magic, no secrets. Just plain good sense.

Keep a close watch here for the release of

The Dragonfly Project

Let the Dragonfly show you that it does not take a ‘guru’ or a genie in a bottle to build a huge marketing team.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


AdlandPro is promoted as a free classified advertising service. If you are interested in free promotion, free advertising, marketing or networking, then it is the right place to be. AdlandPro has been offering free and paid advertising services to small businesses since 1996. They have the most complete and most affordable advertising solutions for small businesses and home entrepreneurs.

However, you will soon find that AdlandPro is much more than simply a place to post free advertisements. It is a community of like-minded people working to succeed in Internet and Network Marketing.

In fact, it is very likely that you have found this blog through my profile on AdlandPro and are already a member. If that is the case, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this and being a part of my team.

NOTE: I recently wrote an article on the topic of "InterNetworking", which is perhaps the greatest benefit of AdlandPro. Please take the time to read this informative article if you haven't already.

Take this first step at NO COST to you. I promise it will energize networking efforts of you and your team.

AdlandPro Worlds Classifieds

NOTE: When you visit the link above, you will begin by creating your profile. This is very similar to social networking sites like MySpace. It will walk you through the process step-by-step. You do not have to complete each step when creating your profile. You can skip certain ones and add the information at a later time if you choose.

After you have completed your profile, many of the existing members will be introducing themselves and inviting you to be their friend. This may seem overwhelming at first, but be patient. After a few days the invitations taper off.

What I did was delete the invitations as they arrived in my inbox, and simply processed them in "batches" directly within Adland. I accepted most invitations, declining only those few who seemed overly anxious to "sell" me something. The majority are friendly, courteous and willing to help you.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. You can contact me by email at scott [at], or on AdlandPro here.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

InterNetworking - Networking with Networkers

InterNetworking,” as defined by Wikipedia, “involves connecting two or more distinct computer networks together into an internetwork (often shortened to internet) … to allow traffic to flow back and forth between them… The most notable example of internetworking in practice is the Internet, a network of networks running different low-level protocols.”

In the Systems Approach to Marketing, ‘internetworking’ is defined as a network of network marketers, each running its own ‘protocol,’ or network marketing opportunity. The internetwork is both symbiotic and synergistic at once. Networkers enter a mutually beneficial relationship that creates an enhanced combined effect. The networkers have the ability to market valuable products and services to each other, while simultaneously generating energy through shared knowledge and resources.

Most traditional MLM organizations are unilateral in their network. The people in the organization are intentionally “protected” from outside influence that may disrupt the marketing activities designed by the parent company. However, as is well known, most corporate strategies lead to a very low retention rate in the sales force. Anywhere from 70 to 80 percent of the new associates fail to achieve a level of success that will keep them involved for more than three months. Such turn-over is not usually seen as a serious problem from the corporate perspective, because as new associates are brought into their system, they bring a fresh supply of “warm market” prospects.

One reason for this failure rate is that corporate marketing strategies are not the most effective approach for individuals seeking success in network marketing. Corporate marketing materials like magazines and DVDs are an excellent tool for mass distribution of information to the public at large. They reach prospective clients that may not otherwise be reachable through traditional advertising channels. These campaigns provide the company with very high exposure at virtually no cost. Sounds perfect!

However, the view from the independent associate’s perspective is quite different. While the marketing materials may add a very professional touch to their advertising efforts, the materials result in low to moderate exposure at a relatively high cost per exposure. At this point, most network marketers become frustrated and disillutioned, and seeing no other alternative they quit.

Thinking “Outside the Box…”

By internetworking with successful networkers, individuals gain different perspectives on marketing their products, services, and opportunities. They are informed and empowered to think outside of the box and develop strategies that are the most effective for their own success, not simply that of the corporate office.