The Dragonfly Project

Is it really possible to build a home-based business without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business?

The answer is a resounding YES! And The Dragonfly Project is going to show you exactly how.

Friday, January 12, 2007


TrafficWave is the heartbeat of this project, and what I am going to do today is describe for you the HOW and WHY it works. If you take a close look at what I am going to tell you, the benefits of using this tool to build your business will be readily apparent.

TrafficWave is a front-end service that is the very essence of Forward Marketing we discussed earlier. It provides INPUT for your business and then automates the PROCESS of following up with your prospects to educate them and turn them into customers.

There are three key components, or tools, included in the TrafficWave service: 1) Unlimited Autoresponders, 2) Unlimited Ad Tracking capability, and 3) FFA page hosting.

Automated lead generation and follow up is the key to growing your business or building a Network Marketing organization without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business. Using TrafficWave and the tools that I will discuss in future posts, you will generate a recurring monthly income from what I call an Internet "Vending Machine."

For more information input your first name and email address into the blue form at the upper right of this blog. You will then receive a free newsletter from me where you will discover how to build your business with free targeted traffic and leads.

Or you can simply send an email to:

Do it today! The report is FREE and you are under no obligation to purchase anything. Your information will never be sold to any third party or used for any other purpose.

Best Regards,
Scott "The Dragonfly" Douglas

Ride the Wave!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

FFA Hosting

A Free-For-All (FFA) page is a website where individuals can place short classified ads in the form of a hyperlink to THEIR website. In simple terms, FFA pages are like bulletin boards at a grocery store. Most every new internet marketer has posted to a number of FFA pages in an attempt to draw traffic to their website.

You may already have a great product or service and a great website. But it takes more than that.


Unfortunately, if you're like 99.9% of all internet marketers, the traffic you get from posting to FFA networks is ZERO! All your time and effort amount to zero, zip, nada! But WHY!?

Why doesn't posting to FFA pages work for you?


Just like at the grocery store bulletin board, the only people looking at your ad are the other people who are posting on the bulletin board. And they aren't buying... they're selling.

So what is the solution to this problem?

Listen carefully because I am about to pull back the curtain and give you the "insider secret" that you have been looking for. This is a well-established marketing technique called "reverse advertising," and its the most effective way to market yourself on the internet today!

"HOST, Don't POST!"

Heres how it works...

TrafficWave hosts your own FFA page that you control, along with unlimited autoresponders that allow you to follow up and convert more visitors to sales.

Whenever someone posts a link (their ad) on your FFA site, they receive an automatic message from your autoresponder. This automatic message is the "confirmation message" to the person who posts the ad indicating that his or her ad has been placed on your site.

By hosting your own FFA page you AUTOMATICALLY get your sales message out to hundreds of hot prospects for your program, product or service every day!

OK. It's time to demonstrate exactly how this works because I want you to fully understand this system.

Right now, visit the following link to view my TrafficWave FFA page. On this page you will see about 100 active, real time links that people all over the internet around the globe have posted today.

The Dragonfly FFA Page

At the bottom of the FFA page is a form for people to input their email address, title of their post, and the link to their web site.

Now, here is exactly what happens...

Each and every day between 180 to 200 people are subscribing to my FFA "lead generation" page. Therefore, my message is automatically sent to more than 1,000 people in a week's time. That message includes my website address so that the reader can visit my website to discover more information about my business. Your message that is sent out to these subscribers will automatically promote any business you choose.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Forward Marketing

In a previous post, titled "How Does It Work?", we looked at the #1 reason most people fail in Internet and Network Marketing. That flaw is what I refer to as "Backward Marketing."

Most traditional Network Marketing companies cost a sizable chunk of money right up front, which puts pressure on you to make sales. That pressure adds to the failure rate. People will NOT buy from you if you are desperate...the harder you try, the worse the results. The traditional marketing methods of most these companies leads to frustration and failure 95% of the time.

They start by "selling" you on something that will probably cost $100 to $200 just to get started, and then require a budget of $150 to $200 per month to promote and advertise. The odds are stacked against you. People do NOT like to cold call, and family and friends do NOT want to be bothered with your opportunity.

"Forward Marketing" reverses that trend and eliminates cold calling, expensive advertising, and failure. With forward marketing you will learn how to market and build a team, THEN promote your primary business. You will stay in positive cash flow from the start and so will your team.

When using a Forward Marketing approach, most of your attention is focused on the front end of your business... the traffic and leads. In effect you have two businesses.

1. Your traffic and lead business, and
2. Your primary or "money" business

Both aspects are crucial for success. You must have traffic and you must have a way to convert that traffic to income. If what you are promoting does not convert, then all the traffic in the world will not help. is one of the best kept "secrets" in this business. Did you know that you can actually create income from your front-end traffic and lead business?

You can if you do it right!

There is one tool used in internet marketing that, above all others, is extremely useful for converting traffic into paying customers. And that tool is an autoresponder. When you use an autoresponder to stay in contact with your customers and build a relationship with them, your conversions to sales will increase.

Fortunately, an autoresponder service does not cost an arm and a leg... and if you have been reading along in this blog you already know that I use and recommend TrafficWave as the autoresponder of choice.

When you teach other people to use an autoresponder for THEIR business, you are growing a continuous residual income while you build YOUR business!

OK...back to the front end and forward marketing...

Here is my favorite source of traffic and leads:

FREE Traffic for Life

The best part is that this traffic system is integrated with my autoresponder. You've got to check it out for yourself to see how powerful it truly is.

NOTE: It is NOT a sales page. There is not even a paid membership if you wanted one.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

How Does It Work?

Let me start by saying that the systems and tools used in The Dragonfly Project are NOT related to my primary business. In fact, nowhere in this blog or on The Systems Approach blog is my primary business mentioned. If you are looking for your first "business opportunity" or to add an additional income stream to your portfolio, then please feel free to ask what I use. I do not pursue people to join my business. The only people I speak to about my business are those that are interested enough to ask.

Why do I not directly promote my primary business? Because these are considered "back-end" products and services. Much has been written recently and is freely available on the Internet regarding this topic, so I will not go into too much detail here. The general topic heading for this is the "funded proposal" concept, which is extremely popular due to it's success. A funded proposal is simply a way to cover your up front marketing expenses by offering a low cost item with appeal to a wide audience. With a successful funded proposal system, you can market your back-end products or services at no cost.

Why are these things important? In my experience, the #1 reason people fail in Network Marketing is a lack of proper training on marketing and promotion. It is a marketing business pursued by people with little or no experience in marketing. They are first "sold" on a great opportunity to make income by just getting three to get three to get three. Then they are told to make a list of everyone they know and start "selling" them on the same thing.

That process is BACKWARDS! Yes, it can and does work, but not very well. The facts show that the traditional process leads to a very high failure rate. It is like pushing a boulder up a hill. You push and push hoping to get to the top of the hill so that it will roll down the other side on it's own.

Now picture this. You start out on top of the hill with a small rock and then give it a little tap down the hill. The rock picks up momentum on its own and grows into a large boulder as it effortlessly rolls down the hill. This is what happens with FORWARD MARKETING.

Remember the Marketing Model we looked at in the Systems Approach to Marketing?

Most new Network Marketers start on the right side of this model with their product or service, and then work toward the left to try and build their business. This right-to-left approach is what is backward. They find themselves spending a lot of money first on their products, then on buying leads or costly advertising and are quickly in a negative cash flow situation before ever really getting started.

Instead, by moving from left-to-right as you build your business you are doing forward marketing. You are building a steady stream of prospects for your business BEFORE you start spending money out of pocket. This makes it possible for you to create a positive cash flow and stay in the game long enough to build your business. By teaching your team to do the same, you are ensuring their success and eliminating the "fall out" from your organization.

It is critical to make sure that any money you spend early on is put to work finding and tapping into your target market. Also, you must make sure that the money you spend up front is quickly recovered so that you always retain positive cashflow.

When you follow the steps presented here in The Dragonfly Project, you will definitely be in a positive cash flow position as you build your business. The steps are presented in a particular order for this very reason.

Follow the Table of Contents on the right side of this blog to ensure that you are following these steps in the proper order

Let's get started.

A Look at Internet Marketing

In the few years leading up to 2006, the quickest way to make money on the Internet was to write an eBook that provided some "secret" to making money on the internet. The Internet Marketer would write killer advertisments and sales pages to promote their book and then charge a small fee from $20 to $50 and up for the material, often enlisting affiliates to help them market the material.

This strategy has become more and more difficult for people to duplicate as the Internet has become proliferated with "Secrets" and "Success Formulas".

In order to make money the Internet Marketer had to develop better ads and sales pages to stay ahead of the competition. Ultimately, the target market for this type of material was other Internet Marketers. A few leaders emerged and the rest continued to spend their hard earned dollars trying to catch up by buying the next greatest product.

The overall effect is that the market is collapsing on itself. Internet Marketers are now giving away their "secrets" just in order to get subscribers. As predicted, Internet Marketing to Internet Marketers is dead.

The year 2006 has been "The Year of the Giveaway".

The good news is that the cost of internet marketing systems is being driven to zero. It is now possible to get a "business in a box" for free. These are various package systems that include pre-written sales pages, autoresponders, email opt-in forms, web hosting, and payment processing. These are the very tools that you can use to propel your business to success.