The Dragonfly Project

Is it really possible to build a home-based business without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business?

The answer is a resounding YES! And The Dragonfly Project is going to show you exactly how.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Do You Have a Plan?

Today I just want to encourage you to stop and think about your Business Plan and your Marketing Plan.

What is it that you are selling... and why should your customers buy it?

Your Business Plan describes "what" you are selling.

Your Marketing Plan addresses "why" your customers should be attracted to your business. Without a marketing plan you are dead in the water before you even start.

And THAT is why 95% of the people involved in network or internet marketing fail.

They work backwards!

First they find what to sell, and then try to figure out how to sell it. When that fails, they try selling something else.

That approach leads to frustration, stress, and empty pockets.

The 95% group has a buyer mindset. They are looking for something "out there" on the information highway that holds the "secret" key.

And they are buying it... everywhere.

But the 5% group are the ones with a business mindset, and they are selling to the other 95%.

>> Do you get that? <<

Now here's the "secret key" that will take you from the 95% group and put you into the top 5% almost instantly.

Drop the "buyer" mindset.

Stop thinking about what it is that you want... and Start thinking about what the market wants and needs.

You see, it's not about YOU or what YOU are selling.

It's about THEM and what THEY want.

Here is one of my favorite quotes. It's from Zig Ziglar so you've probably heard it before...

"We can have anything we want in life if we're willing to help enough other people get what they want."

I'll be very honest here. I want more traffic.

How do I generate more traffic? By helping YOU generate more traffic.

How do YOU generate more traffic? By helping others generate more traffic.

If you have not already started building your traffic, start here...

==> Free Traffic for Life

It works! Just check out my inbox...

==> My Email Inbox

(I use this splash page in the TEs for awesome results.)

Why does promoting VitalViral work?

Because there is one common thing that EVERYONE in a traffic exchange wants... MORE TRAFFIC!

Best regards,

Monday, September 10, 2007

It's All About Marketing

Where is your focus?

One of the biggest challenges faced in online marketing is staying on track. We are presented with an enormous amount of advertising every day that targets a natural desire to find an "easier way" to succeed on the internet. And these ads can be very compelling.

But most of that advertising is designed to do one thing... suck money from your wallet.

So how do you overcome the temptation to buy into these systems that promise big bucks and retirement in six months?

The answer is actually quite simple...

Stop being a "buyer".

What I mean by that is stop thinking there is some magical or secret formula out there that is going to do your marketing for you.

Let me ask you another question.

What do Internet Marketing and Network Marketing have in common?

It's right in front of you. The MARKETING!

Before you ever consider buying into an "opportunity of a lifetime" you need to think rationally about how you are going to market it. Until you know how to do some effective marketing, just keep your money in your wallet.

So what is marketing? In simple terms "marketing" is how you find customers and draw them to you.

With internet marketing you have two basic approaches.

One is to attract targeted traffic. Provide a way for customers interested in what you are offering to find you.

A second approach is to find an existing source of traffic and then target that traffic with something you know they already want.

And THAT is the beauty of traffic exchanges. You know what they already want. More traffic.

This type of marketing is exciting and can actually be fun. It's almost child's play because you understand something they don't.

Here's how to get the most from traffic exchanges. Stop trying to sell them something they don't want. Instead GIVE them something they do want.

Learn how to build more traffic using exchanges and then teach others to do the same.

Sure there are other forms of marketing and traffic generation. But if you are just starting out this is a great place to start. Focus on the skills you need for effective marketing in traffic exchanges and then branch out to other sources only after you master this one.

Ready to get started? Go here...

To you surfing success,

PS. Check out this new splash page I am using to pull new customers from the exchanges.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Free Traffic and Leads

Looking for an endless stream of traffic and leads for your business?

Without traffic you have

* no leads,
* no subscribers,
* no list, and
* no business... period

The winning formula is simple.

Send massive amounts of traffic to your capture page, then follow up to convert them to paying customers.

Traffic + Opt-in + Conversion = Income

Where can you get free targeted traffic?

The answer may surprise you...

==> The Dragonfly Recommends VitalViral

By simply promoting this generic downline builder, my traffic credits are growing. Even when I stop surfing my traffic continues to grow from my referrals who are surfing to build their downlines.

Still reading?

Great...because this is the BEST PART.

When I use squeeze pages to capture the email of surfers who are looking to increase their traffic... I am building my list.

Then I teach my subscribers how to create more traffic, which in turn increases my traffic and opt-ins without any additional effort!


My traffic builds my list, and
My list builds my traffic.

All you have to do is "prime the pump" and then
it starts growing on its own.

==> The Dragonfly Recommends VitalViral

BONUS: This tool also builds your downlines in ListBandit
and YourLuckyList. My downlines are growing daily!

It's a PERPETUAL list building machine!

To Your List Building Success,
Scott "The Dragonfly" Douglas

PS. Sign up to my "Traffic and Leads" newsletter so you can learn to:

* generate tons of free traffic
* capture the attention of that traffic
* build your own opt-in list
* follow up with your leads, and
* convert them into customers

Simply enter your name and email into the blue form to the right. Your information will never be shared and you can opt out at any time.

PPS. You will also receive a professionally written email campaign ready-made to load into your autoresponder so you can start building your traffic and your list today.