The Dragonfly Project

Is it really possible to build a home-based business without bugging family and friends, cold calling, or going in debt buying leads and advertising the business?

The answer is a resounding YES! And The Dragonfly Project is going to show you exactly how.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Credit Value

Do you know what your "Credit Value" is?

Here is one way to look at it...

The average cost of a traffic exchange credit is about 1 cent per visitor.

By personally generating 500 credits in an hour, you can earn $5 worth of credits each hour. Five dollars per hour is not bad working from home.

But then add to that the free residual credits from your referrals and this can really add up!

However, $5 worth of credits is NOT the same as $5 in earnings... unless the traffic converts to income.

Your Credit Value is based on what your earn (not pay) for your credits.

By promoting VitalViral using the squeeze pages to build my list, I generate income from conversions.

Calculating earnings per credit, my Credit Value can be as high as 2 to 4 cents per credit!

So if your credits are worth 2 cents, but only cost one cent each... shouldn't you buy credits?

The answer is "Yes" and "No".

Something to remember, especially when you work online, is that you need a budget. You have to set a monthly budget and keep it in place so that you get the best returns on your investment.

For example... deciding which traffic exchanges to upgrade in, and how much to spend on credit purchases to get you the best exposure.

A common problem getting started online is that people do not have extra money to spend on essential tools. If that is your situation, you will need to invest TIME rather than money. First focus your time on building traffic.

Second, focus on your list. The first thing I spent any money on for my business was my autoresponder service. Using TrafficWave, I was able to get unlimited autoresponders AND ad tracking service for less than 20 bucks.

That expense was easily recovered during the first month (actually less than a week), so that I could quickly put the funds to work in other areas.

My overall budget was first set at $50 per month, and since my autoresponder was paid for I was able to invest all of that budget into traffic.

I invested in 3 traffic exchanges at roughly $10 per month. One notable exception was TRAFFICswarm, which costs $30 per month.

Keeping this budget, my income started to grow from sales of eBooks AND autoresponder accounts.

Positive cashflow was again achieved quickly.

The main thing to stress is to keep your budget, and as you start generating income you can trade some of that income for traffic credits. This will allow you to free up some of your time.

I still spend a lot of time surfing exchanges, but now I can purchase credits because I kept with my plan and spent my money wisely.

Set a budget and stick to it.

And don't forget to surf for your free traffic credits.

Happy Surfing!